Bond Cleaning Brisbane Checklist [Infographic]

10 Steps To Bond Cleaning Success

When you are about to vacate a rental property, you are expected to leave the house in tip top condition for the next tenant. The property owners and real estate agents take into consideration all areas of the home before giving your bond back. The bond is a security deposit paid by the tenant (typically worth a month’s rent) at the beginning of the lease. The bond is refunded back to the tenant at the end of the lease less any money owed in terms of damaged property, or unpaid rent. Getting your bond back when you are about to move can come in handy, in terms of settling some of the moving expenses. That is why it is worth doing a good cleaning job.

To be honest, finding affordable end of lease cleaners in Brisbane isn’t an easy deal. For some tenants, DIY is the easiest and the most suitable solution them when moving out. Whether you have decided to roll up your sleeves to do the dirty work, or have decided to hire cleaning professionals, we’ve got you covered. Here is a comprehensive Bond Cleaning Brisbane Checklist that will ensure you get your bond back.

Bond Cleanig Checklist Infographic

Below are 10 easy steps to check when doing your own bond clean. If you want a professional help contact Pro Bond Cleaning Brisbane and request a free quote.

Step1: Prepare Your Schedule

Most people underestimate the extent of work that needs to be done and the time taken to finish cleaning. Thus, they end up having too little time to do the cleanup; forcing them to hire expensive last minute cleaners or part with a portion of their bond. You need to understand the size the job and be prepared for the task ahead of you. A studio apartment will take about 2-4 hours to clean, a 3 bedroom apartment 4-6 hours and a large house will take an entire day to clean by two professionals.

Step 2: Empty Your Home

Move out first before you start cleaning. Most of the mess occurs during the moving out process. Moreover, it is easier to carry out thorough cleaning if the furniture is out of your way.

Step 3: Get the Right Supplies and Equipment

To finish the job properly, you will need to bring more than just yourself. You will likely need the following equipment:

  1. Broom
  2. Gloves
  3. Duster
  4. Bucket
  5. Paper Towels
  6. Brush and dustpan
  7. Carpet Steam Cleaner
  8. Mop and bucket
  9. Sponges
  10. Old Newspapers
  11. Vacuum
  12. Oven scraper
  13. Oven cleaner
  14. Towels
  15. Soap, Detergents and Bleach
  16. Ladder
  17. Screwdriver

Step 4: Clean the Kitchen

You will need to take a top-down approach when cleaning the kitchen. All your cabinets should be empty by now.

  • Wipe the inside and outside of all doors and cupboards
  • Use an oven cleaner for the griller and oven ensuring you wipe away grease from racks, doors, trays, and glass
  • Wipe ishwasher or refrigerator on the inside, outside and behind.
  • Clean all windows, tracks, sills, and screens.
  • Wipe away any food stains and grease on your microwave.
  • Splash backs and counters need wiping with soap and water.
  • Check whether the drains are clogged.
  • Mop the floor.

Step 5: Bathroom Cleaning

Bathroom is the toughest room to clean, mainly because it needs a lot scrubbing and cleaning of areas that are not often cleaned.

  • Wipe the cupboards, shelves and drawers.
  • Mirrors and windows and ensure they are free of any streaks.
  • Walls and ceilings must be free from dirt and dust
  • Thoroughly clean shower, including glass doors, shower grout, shower curtain and shower screens.
  • Toilets, cistern, toilet bowl and the pipes behind. Bleach can be used here.
  • Faucets and sinks using Ajax.
  • Mop all floors ensuring you remove built up grime.

Step 6: Living Room

Living rooms are a lot less of a headache than the kitchen.

  • Dust light fittings.
  • Gently wipe away the dust from the fan and the air conditioners.
  • Brush the walls with water and non-abrasive soap.
  • Wipe all windows, tracks, sills, screens, blinds and curtains.
  • Dust all vents and wipe dust from vent covers.
  • Mop the floor.
  • Get a professional to clean the carpets.

Step 7: Clean the Bedroom

Cleaning the bedroom(s) is more or less similar to cleaning the living room. It is less work than the kitchen and the bathroom. The only aspect you need to pay careful attention to is cleaning the carpet and floor so as not to damage it.

  • Wipe down walls with a damp cloth.
  • Clean the window sills. Window sills build up dust and dirt but are often overlooked.
  • Wipe the ceiling fans with a damp cloth
  • Also don’t forget the architraves.

Step 8: Clean the Laundry Room

The laundry room is just as messy as the bathroom due to spillage of detergents and soaps.

  • Clean inside and outside of all machines such as washer and dryers.
  • Scrub the walls and floors to remove the tough built up the lint, dust, and grime.

Step 9: Clean the Garage

Though not all houses have a garage, it is worth mentioning.

  • Ensure you remove all boxes, and other items stored in the garage.\
  • Clean windows, walls, make sure you remove cobwebs.
  • Use a hose to wash the floor to remove stubborn mud and oil stains.

Step 10: Garden, Patios, and Yards

The most important thing is remove the accumulated rubbish and all that is dead and rotting.

  • Trim hedges and mow the lawn.
  • Pressure wash walkways, and patio.
  • Remove weeds from the garden
  • Clear the rubbish, dirt and weeds.


Here we covered some of the msot important steps when doing your own end of lease clean. Remeber you should allow a full day to get all this done. Preparing all the equipment and products you’ll need prior to cleaning day will help allot. If you ahve any questions about the Bond Cleaning Brisbane Checklist please let us know.

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Further references

Residential Tenancies Authority – Tips for Moving Out